Friday, September 21, 2007

Advertising and Public Relations

Agencies always talk about seamless integration between their advertising and public relations. But it’s quite rare to actually see it in practice.

The new ebay campaign does it well.

The campaign is about all the gripes people have about Hong Kong, such as dripping air conditioners and how it is next to impossible to ride a bike around here, and stuff like that.

If you ask me there is too much of a disconnect between griping and buying something on ebay. But that’s not the point.

The point is, if you open HK Magazine, there is the ad about the bike lanes, and right next to it is an article in the paper about bikes.

It’s unobtrusive. It’s believable. It’s the perfect marriage of advertising and PR.

Why this doesn’t happen more often, I don’t know, but it sure is an effective way to drive home the message.

I think this eBay ad from New York is absolutely brilliant, it takes forever to load though.

eBay ad

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