Friday, November 2, 2007

Crafting vs Concepting

I spend half of my time crafting copy. Basically just writing and writing and re-writing.

Sometimes this is my work that I am smoothing out to be perfect. Sometimes, being an English copywriter and all, it’s editing other people’s stuff.

I spend the other half of my time coming up with ideas.

Advertising is a crazy business, because you come up with ideas all day (or half a day) every day, and all you have to show for it later is a handful of ads at the end of the year.

That’s the nature of concepts. It takes time for them to be realized.

When a copywriter shows their portfolio to a creative director there should be a balance of crafted writing and conceptual thinking in their book.

After a year and a bit in Hong Kong, I have heaps of crafted writing, but not so much concept stuff.

So it’s going to be an initiative weekend for me.

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