Friday, October 5, 2007

Probably Maybe

There’s nothing like having a word all your own.

Ad critics aside, it’s a marketer’s dream.

Take Volvo and safe. McDonald’s and fast.

But Carslberg probably has the best tagline out there:

And they use it to great effect.

You can’t run ads for alcohol or tobacco in Norway. So when Carlsberg wanted to sponsor a football (soccer) match in Oslo, they weren’t allowed to put their brand on the jerseys.

‘Simple’, said they, ‘we’ll just put: Probably….’

People got it. Loved it even.

The other day, I was watching ‘Pursuit of Happyness’ with Will Smith. I wasn’t a big fan of the show, but anyway, there is one scene where they walk along discussing the difference between ‘possibly’ and ‘probably’.

Right away Carlsberg came to mind. Is there a link? Or have I been doing this too long…

Either way, here’s another in that campaign I was going on about a few posts back.

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