Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Steady Progressin’

Well, things are shaping up pretty nicely.

I just picked up a bunch of supplies for the shoot next week.

The idea is sound, I reckon. And the client’s keen.

Now, I’m thinking, “Why stop here?”

So I’m into creative mode again. I’m writing and re-writing from the brief in front of me. I think it would be interesting to have a solid long copy ad in the mix.

Also, I’m racking my brains on how to produce something good, simple and cost-effective for our biggest client.

If all goes well, we’ll be submitting to the Clios as well as the Lions. So let’s see.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Checklist for Insomniacs

Can’t sleep? Neither can I.

To put my extended waking hours to use, I have composed a helpful little list of some things that you can do while pacing the floors at 5 am.

1. Shave. (You might as well. It will save you some time in the morning for when you finally wake up.)
2. Put out your clothes for the next day. (See above.)
3. Work. (Eh, why not?)
4. Pace the floors. (It’s better than just lying there.)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Cake and Cognac

It was my birthday over the weekend. I celebrated with a little get-together at my pad in Causeway Bay.

On the initiative front, it appears as though we have found a photographer.

In case you were wondering, of course it is Hennessy.

To quote Mr. Ogilvy once again, "I always use my clients' products. This is not toadyism, but elementary good manners."

I like that one.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008

An Ode to Corporate Poetry

Perhaps in Hong Kong it’s a trend,
Perhaps, it’s worldwide,
But more
And more so
I have found,
A request for copy
That’s not choppy,
But flows with rhythm and rhyme.
Like whimsy gospel
Binding spin.
It’s fun to write such ways.
In fact it seems not work at all,
But dreamy holidays.

Client Approval

Today my creative director and I went down to show our concept.

The owner of the chain, he got it right away. He loved the idea.

It matched his branding beautifully. And we now have a client.

Next step: The photo shoot.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

So Far, So Good

Okay, this weekend I met with the owner of my favourite haunt here in Hong Kong. He was keen as anything to go along with this ad of ours. After all, like I said, it’s great concept. Whoo.

However, the perfect fit would be with another chain here in Hong Kong. Brand-wise, man, it’s ideal.

So all weekend I was hitting the bricks. I called, I asked around, I called some more, and after dropping by each of his shops in person and gorging myself each time, I figured email would be the safest thing for my sanity (and waistline).

Sure enough, he got back to me today. I’m meeting him tomorrow. Hopefully he likes it as much as my haunted friend on Friday.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cantonese 401

Cho leedo – sits here

May ah – what?

Mo lui – saying nonsense

Lan get – bad joke

Sie jing ah – waste of my time

So hi – dumb guy

Sow pay – close skin (get lost)

Choi mei – what are you going to do? (in your face)

Dew lah sing – damn the star!

Hong ngyan wahh soy (red face trouble water) – women are trouble (a girl with makeup is like a flood of trouble)

Die lan wok – big trouble

Siu siu – a little bit

Faay – fat

Die jyan – muscular (big object)

Poh tong – ordinary

Ho lan moon – very boring

Mah sing – hanging rope

Jew sing die ha – Paterson guy

Ho tscha – very cheesy guy

Ho luung – very unhip girl

Li ling – super handsome man

Li leng – super hot girl

Doh yeww – wasting time with unnecessary stuff

Chun ji (spring know) – who else knows?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Meet Your Match

Sometimes you can have a great idea for an ad but you don’t have the right brief to execute it.

Sometimes you can have the right brief but you don’t have the right client.

So as opposed to letting good ideas die, it’s better to take initiative.

Here’s an example of an interesting idea that had to be carried out as an initiative ad. It’s for a drain cleaner.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Back to the Basics

I’ve returned to the very origins of advertising: the cold call.

To find a client to run with this ad we’ve got in mind means systematically going through the phone book. Making lists. Making calls. Making meetings. Making connections. Making things happen.

It’s tough. I mean people have a hard enough time trying to understand what I’m saying in Canada.

As my parents (and Howard) say, ‘Speak slowly, Mike.’

Friday, January 11, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Knowledge. Who Wants Some? Come Get It.


The brick hitting has been put on hold until we can do a bit more internal research on the subject.

This entails watching a lot of movies and scouring the internet for answers and such.

In the words of the man, David Ogilvy himself:

"We pursue knowledge the way a pig pursues truffles."

And in the words of Kool Moe Dee:

"Knowledge is king."

Either way, I get to keep my sweet red beard for another day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Haunted by the Entrepreneurial Spirit

So far, my success in this business has come from a lot of hustle.

I imagine that if you are enormously talented, that success just falls in your lap. This has never been the case for me. I’ve had to be tenacious as hell. Luckily for me, advertising requires a lot of this get-up-and-go kind of initiative.

When we were in Australia we had to find the right clients to make the ads we wanted. When I was in Vancouver, same deal. It turned out to be a good way to build business. Now, here in Hong Kong, I am about to go out and do the same thing.

We’ve got the concept for a great ad. Now all we need is the right fit in terms of a client, and we’re rolling.

I have just the place in mind, so tomorrow I hit the bricks.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Prepare for the Fantastic Five

One of the fun things about working in this business is starring in ads.

We’re doing a photo shoot this afternoon and I get to be the talent, so that’s kind of cool.

Since I’ve been in advertising, I’ve been in about four ads.

Oh, and did I mention I am also in the Fantastic Four?

This is my claim to fame. My two seconds as a paparazzi photographer. Look for me when the Thing gets into his confrontation with the Human Torch and throws his Porsche across the street.

That’s right. That’s me, in the background.

I tell ya, it’s not easy being famous.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Snappin’ Cracklin’ Pop Culture

What would happen if the Street Fighter guys reunited?

I'm not sure whether this is a viral teaser for Capcom or a film school project (or both), but it’s pretty amusing.

There are seven in the series so far.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Tick Tick Tick

It's 2008.

I'm stoked to be back at work.

However, deadlines are looming.

I was checking out the Cannes Lions site the other day.

If we're going to make this happen, we have to act fast. We have until March 7th to get our ideas submitted.