Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Haunted by the Entrepreneurial Spirit

So far, my success in this business has come from a lot of hustle.

I imagine that if you are enormously talented, that success just falls in your lap. This has never been the case for me. I’ve had to be tenacious as hell. Luckily for me, advertising requires a lot of this get-up-and-go kind of initiative.

When we were in Australia we had to find the right clients to make the ads we wanted. When I was in Vancouver, same deal. It turned out to be a good way to build business. Now, here in Hong Kong, I am about to go out and do the same thing.

We’ve got the concept for a great ad. Now all we need is the right fit in terms of a client, and we’re rolling.

I have just the place in mind, so tomorrow I hit the bricks.

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