Friday, February 1, 2008


Argh, it’s cold. 8 degrees. 98% humidity. You can’t shake ‘the chill.'

Sure, scoff away.

It may be -43 in Canada, but in Canada, there are a few key differences.

-They don’t blast the air conditioning on the subway, in elevators and in office buildings.

-They have things like, you know, insulation, and windows that close all the way.

-Long underwear.

-A sense of hibernation.

In the land of the ice and snow, you know it’s going to be cold for a long, long time, so you buy winter clothes and heaters and whatnot.

Here, all month I’ve been hearing, ‘Oh, it will only be cold for a few more days.’ But it’s been a month now, and I’m still cold, sick and heater-less. Ugh.

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