Friday, August 17, 2007

Escaping Sweetly

For some reason, few good live bands come through Hong Kong.

So when a concert does hit the town, sometimes you have to take what you can get.

Either way, I saw Gwen Stefani last night.

I'm not really a fan, but I had a good time.

If nothing else the girl is a performer.

Harajuku girls dressed as inner-city gang members, Rastafarians, and prisoners, danced alongside professional breakdancers and Gwen, who has all the smile and charm of a 30s Broadway star (with the endurance of an athlete).

I got a kick out of the Hong Kong crowd as well. So well behaved for a rock show. They were loving it, and when Gwen said she loved each and every one of them, they ate it up.

And so ruly. People actually stuck to their seats and did what they were told.

But then again, I usually go to shows like Tool and System of a Down.

Mmm. Yes. Mmm.

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